Speak with a proven Alexandria Probation Violation Attorney At the Flynn Law Firm, we recognize that probation violations can be terrifying! They can threaten to upset your whole life, and everything that you have struggled to put together. Regardless of why you are on probation, a violation will have profound…
Speak with a proven Alexandria Burglarious Tools Attorney At the Flynn Law Firm, we recognize how serious theft related crimes are, and how they can affect you and your livelihood, especially in Virginia. They can cause problems with employers, education, and many of these charges have serious collateral consequences, such…
Speak with a proven Alexandria Assault and Battery Attorney If you are reading this, then you or someone you love has been charged with an assault charge in the City of Alexandria. Look no further, because you have found an attorney that will fight for you in court. Assault and Battery charges are serious…
Speak with a proven Alexandria Embezzlement Attorney At the Flynn Law Firm, we recognize how serious theft crimes are, and how they can affect you, your loved ones and your livelihood – especially in Virginia. They can cause problems with employers, education, and many of these charges have serious collateral consequences, such as the loss…
Speak with a proven Alexandria Drug Possession Attorney At the Flynn Law Firm, we recognize how serious drug possession crimes are, and how they can affect you and your livelihood. Virginia’s drug policy can be downright unreasonable at times. Schedule I/II drugs (Cocaine, PCP, Heroin, Meth, etc.) are undoubtedly serious…
Speak with a proven Alexandria Expungement Attorney If you are reading this, then you or someone you love has probably been affected by a criminal charge on your record. Unexplained criminal charges on your record can have catastrophic effects on your reputation, and can affect your professional license, future employment, formal education, and your personal…